Author(s) - Title
(If presenter is not first author, then presenter is shown in bold) |
(Slide presentations are shown primarily in the order they were presented. Where slide presentations have not been made available, in some cases, we provide digital photographs of some of the slides in the best possible quality under the circumstances given.
Last minute changes were made to the schedule every day. Not all all slides or posters were presented; we have noted unpresented slides/posters as such where we know, there may be others.) (Source: New Energy Times) |
Audio |
Slides |
MONDAY, Oct. 5, 2009 |
01 |
n/a |
Violante - Opening Remarks |
02 |
n/a |
Godfrey - Opening Remarks |
03 |
n/a |
Fleischmann - Opening Remarks |
04 |
04 |
Renzo Tomellini - Opening Talk Audio |
05 |
S1_01 |
Campanella - Opening Remarks- Chemistry Creativity and Flexibility at Service of Energy Problems |
06 |
06 |
Enzo DeSanctis - Opening Talk Audio |
07 |
n/a |
McKubre - Closing the First Session |
08 |
S1_O2 |
Duncan - An Outsider’s view of the Significance of The Fleischmann-Pons Effect |
09 |
S1_O3 |
McKubre - Cold Fusion LENR; one Perspective on the State of the Science |
a10 |
S1_O4 |
G. Hubler, D.L. Knies, V. Violante, K.S. Grabowsky, J. Hu, D.D. Dominquez,
J. He, S.B. Qadri - An X-Ray Diffraction Study of Lattice Expansion and Phase Transformation
in Electrochemically Loaded Palladium Hydrides
a11 |
S1_O6 |
V. Violante, F. Sarto, E. Castagna, S. Lecci, M. Sansovini, G. Hubler, D. Knies,
K.S. Grabowski, M. McKubre, F. Tanzella, C. Sibilia, Z. Del Prete, T. Zilov - Evolution and Progress in Material Science for Studying the Fleischmann
and Pons Effect |
a12 |
S1_07 |
S. Lesin, I. Dardik, T. Zilov, H. Branover, A. El Boher, E. Greenspan, B.
Khachaturov, V. Krakov, A. Shapiro, M. Tsirlin - On the Accuracy of Energetics Technologies Excess Heat Determination |
a13 |
S1_O8 |
P.L. Hagelstein, D.G. Letts, D. Cravens - Progress on Dual Laser Experiments |
a14 |
S1_05 |
D. Knies, K.S. Grabowski, V.K. Nguyen, M.E. Melich - The Development of a Low Cost Differential Thermal Analysis System at
the Naval Research Laboratory |
a15 |
S1_O9 |
M.H. Miles, M. Fleischmann - New Approaches to Isoperibolic Calorimetry |
a16 |
P_6 |
D.J. Nagel, T. Mizuno, G. Letts - Diurnal Variations in LENR Experiments |
a17 |
S1_10 |
W.S. Zhang - Characteristics of Excess Heat in Pd/D2O+D2SO4
Electrolytic Cells
Measured by Seebeck Envelope Calorimetry |
MON10 |
S2_O1 |
P.L. Hagelstein, I.U. Chaudhary - Modeling Excess Heat in the Fleischmann-Pons Experiment |
MON11 |
S2_O2 |
Y.E. Kim - Bose-Einstein Condensation Nuclear Fusion:Theoretical Predictions and
Experimental Tests |
MON12 |
S2_03 |
A. Huke, K. Czersky, G. Ruprecht, S. Gottlieb, L. Martin, N. Targosz Sleczka , D.
Blauth, A. Górska, P. Heide, H. Winter - Electron Catalyzed Fusion |
MON13 |
S2_O4 |
A. Takahashi, A. Kitamura, Y. Sasaki, Y. Miyoshi, T. Nohmi, A. Taniike, R. Seto,
Y. Fujita - Anomalous Heat Generation in Charging of Pd Powders with High Density
Hydrogen Isotopes (II) Discussions on Experimental Results and
Underlying Physics |
S2_05 |
C. Sibilia, M. Berlolotti - On the Spatial Localization of the Electromagnetic Fields in Non–Homogeneous Media |
Audio |
Slides |
TUESDAY, Oct. 6, 2009 |
a18 |
S3_O2 |
A. Kitamura, Y. Sasaki, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Taniike, Y. Furuyama, A. Takahashi, R. Seto, Y. Fujita - Search for Nuclear Reaction Products in Gas Phase Experiments -
Deuterium Permeation and Absorption |
a19 |
S3_O4 |
A. Rosada, E. Santoro, F. Sarto, V. Violante, P. Avino - Impurity Measurements by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis on Palladium, Nickel and Copper Thin Films |
b20 |
S3_03 |
D.D. Afonichev - About Products of Nucleus Reactions During Diffusion of Deuterium Through Palladium Membrane |
b21 |
S3_O1 |
M.L. Apicella, E. Castagna, S. Lecci, M. Sansovini, F. Sarto, V. Violante - Mass Spectrometry: Critical Aspects Related to the Particles Detection in the Condensed Matter Nuclear Science |
(Source: New Energy Times) |
b22 |
S3_05 |
Y. Iwamura, T. Itoh, N. Yamazaki, N. Watari, D. Sekiba, H. Yonemura,
K. Fukutani, J. Kasagi, Y. Terada, T. Ishikawa - Analysis of Permeation Induced Transmutation from the Aspects of
Deuterium Density and Electronic Structure in Pd Multilayer Film
(Pd/CaO/Pd) |
b23 |
S3_06 |
K. Grabowsky, D.A. Kidwell, C. Cetina, C. Carosella - Evaluation of the Claim of Transmutation of Cesium to Praseodymium with
the MHI Structure |
b24 |
S3_06 |
K. Grabowsky, D.A. Kidwell, C. Cetina, C. Carosella - Evaluation of the Claim of Transmutation of Cesium to Praseodymium with the MHI Structure |
b25 |
b25 |
Iwamura Rebuttal to NRL |
b26 |
S4_O1 |
Y. Arata, Y.C. Zhang, X.F. Wang - Production of Helium and Energy in the “Solid Fusion” |
b27 |
S4_O2 |
F. Scaramuzzi - Low Temperature Gas Loading of Deuterium in Palladium |
b28 |
S4_03 |
F. Celani, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, M. Nakamura, O.M. Calamai, A. Spallone, E. Purchi, V. Andreassi, B. Ortenzi, E. Righi, G. Trenta, G. Cappuccio, D. Hampai - Towards a High Temperature CMNS Reactor: Nano-Coated Pd Wires with D2 at High Pressures. Identification of Main Control Parameters, Development
of Simple Tests about Quality of Coating
b29 |
S4_05 |
D. Gozzi, A. Baldi, F. Di Pascasio, B. Panella, C. Trionfetti - Thermodynamics of Pd/H System under Cold H2 Plasmas |
TUES10 |
S4_O4 |
X.Z. Li, B.L. Liu, J. Tian, X.Z. Ren, J. Li, Q.M. Wei, C.L. Liang, J.Z. Yu - Wave Nature of Deuterium Flux Permeating Through the Palladium Thin
Film with Nanometer Coating Layers - (II) Theoretical Modeling |
c30 |
S4_06 |
D.A. Kidwell, A.E. Rogers, K. Grabowski, D. Knies - Does Gas Loading Produce Anomalous Heat? (Title slide as displayed) |
S5_03 |
K. Czerski, P. Heide, A. Huke, A.I. Kilic, N. Targosz-Sleczka - Enhanced Electron Screening and Nuclear Mechanism of Cold Fusion |
c31 |
S5_01 |
A.G. Lipson - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions in Condensed Matter Environment
Enhanced by a Deuterium Desorption |
c32 |
Chernov - Plasmon Based Mechanism... |
c33 |
S5_02 |
J. Kasagi - Effective Potential for Deuteron–Nucleus Collision in Metals |
c34 |
Li + D Fusion Assisted with Acoustic Cavitation
Y. Toriyabe, E. Yoshida, K.H. Fang, J. Kasagi |
c35 |
S9_O8 |
T. Bressani - Exotic Nuclear Physics: from Cold Fusion to Antikaonic Nuclear Clusters |
c36 |
S5_05 |
Lithium Fluoride X-Ray Imaging Film Detectors for Condensed Matter
Nuclear Measurements - R.M. Montereali, S. Almaviva, E. Castagna, F. Bonfigli, F. Sarto, M.A. Vicenti, V. Violante |
c37 |
S5_06 |
M. Angelone - Neutron Detection: Principles, Methods, Issues (and Tips) |
c38 |
S6_O1 |
U. Mastromatteo, R. Aina - Investigation of Anomalous Densities of High-Energy Alpha-Particles
Tracks in CR-9 Detectors During Electrolysis of Heavy Water on Palladium Cathodes |
c39 |
S6_O2 |
M. Srinivasan - Hot Spots, Chain Events & Micronuclear Explosions |
S6_03 |
(not presented) Y.N Bazhutov, L. Kashkarov, V. Kulikauskas, Y.A. Sapozhnikov, C. Tretyakova - Discovery of Erzion Nuclear Reactions Tracks (Pits) in Plastic Solid–State Detectors, Exposed in Space |
d40 |
S6_04 |
A. Petrucci, R. Mignani, F. Cardone - Comparison Between Piezonuclear Reactions and CMNS Phenomenology |
d41 |
S6_05 |
A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone, G. Lacidogna - Piezonuclear Reactions in Inert Solids: Neutron Emissions from Brittle
Fracture |
S6_06 |
(not presented) A.B. Karabut, E.A. Karabut - X-Ray Spectra of Excited Long Living 0.6–6.0 keV Energy Levels from the
Solid State Cathodes of Electric Discharge System |
Audio |
Slides |
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 7, 2009 |
S7_01 |
G. Barbieri, A. Caravella, E. Drioli - Concentration Polarization in Hydrogen Permeation through
Self–Supported Pd-Based Membranes |
S7_02 |
S. Tosti, A. Santucci, F. Borgognoni - Electrical Resistivity and Linear Expansion of an Hydrogenated Pd/Ag
Permeator Tube |
S7_O3 |
A. Santucci, V. Esposito, S. Licoccia, E. Traversa - Synthesis and Characterization of BaCe
Protonic Conductor |
S7_04 |
T. Hioki, H. Azuma, T. Nishi, A. Itoh, J. Gao, S. Hibi, T. Motohiro, J. Kasagi - Hydrogen/Deuterium Absorption Property of Pd Fine Particle Systems and
Heat Evolution Associated with Hydrogen/Deuterium Loading |
S7_O5 |
Y. Sasaki, A. Kitamura, Y. Miyoshi, T. Nohmi, A. Taniike, A. Takahashi, R. Seto, Y. Fujita - Anomalous Heat Generation in Charging of Pd Powders with High Density Hydrogen Isotopes (I) Results of Absorption Experiments Using Pd
Powders |
S7_O6 |
B.L. Liu, J. Tian, X.Z. Ren, J. Li, Q.M. Wei, C.L. Liang, J.Z. Yu, X.Z. Li - Wave Nature of Deuterium Flux Permeating through the Palladium Thin Film
with Nanometer Coating Layers – ( I ) Experimental Observation |
S7_07 |
F.L. Tanzella, M. McKubre - Calorimetry of Pulse Electro–Melting of PdDx
Title was changed after abstract submitted: "Triggered Energy Release From
Palladium Deuteride." Authors added after abstract submitted: Peter L. Hagelstein and
Peter O. Orondo
S7_O8 |
T. Mizuno - Confirmation of Heat Generation during Hydrogenation of Oil |
S8_01 |
F. Frisone - Theoretical Model of the Probability of Fusion Between Deuterons within
Deformed Crystalline Lattices With Micro-Cracks at Room Temperature |
WEDS10 |
S8_O2 |
N.D. Cook, V. Dallacasa - The FCC Substructure of the Nucleus and the Magnetic Interaction among
Nucleons |
S8_03 |
(not presented) S.R. Chubb - Why Electromagnetic–Dynamics Explains the Fleischmann–Pons Effect |
S8_04 |
(not presented) T.A. Chubb, S.R. Chubb - Usefulness of Quasi–Particle Ion Band States in Modeling LENR Processes |
WEDS13 |
S8_O5 |
J. Dufour - Evaluation of D/D Reaction Rates in Metallic Lattices as a Function of Deuteron Energy |
S8_06 |
D. Alexandrov - Heavy Electrons in Nano–Structure Clusters in the Solid Surfaces and their
Interactions with Positive Nuclei such as Protons and Deuterons |
Audio |
Slides |
THURSDAY, Oct. 8, 2009 |
d42 |
S9_O1 |
E. Storms, B. Scanlan - Role of Cluster Formation in the LENR Process |
d43 |
S9_O2 |
A. Meulenberg, K.P. Sinha - Tunneling Beneath the 4He* Fragmentation Energy |
d44 |
S9_03 |
M.E. Melich - Oscillatory and Directional Emission Properties of Transition Metal Catalysts - Systems with Statistical Reliability |
d45 |
S2_06 |
I. Dardik - The Natural Origin of Excess Heat |
S9_O4 |
D.G. Tasker, J.L. Mace, S.J. Pemberton - Quantum Mechanical Study of the Fleischmann–Pons Effect |
S9_05 |
I.P. Chernov, Y.M. Koroteev, V.M. Silkin - Plasmon Based Mechanism of Nuclear Reaction in Metal Deuterides |
S9_06 |
(not presented) V.I. Vysotskii, S.V. Adamenko- Accelerated Low Energy Nuclear Synthesis on the Basis of Correlated
States of Interacting Particles |
S9_O7 |
G.H. Miley, H. Hora, L. Holmlid, X. Yang - Clusters with Picometer Distance of Deuterons and LENR |
T. Bressani - Exotic Nuclear Physics: from Cold Fusion to Antikaonic Nuclear Clusters |
S9_09 |
A.A. Katrib, D.J. Nagel - Can Water Be the Origin of Excess Energy? |
Audio |
Slides |
FRIDAY, Oct. 9, 2009 |
FRI1 |
S10_O1 |
F. Sarto, E. Castagna, S. Lecci, M. Sansovini, V. Violante - The role of Cathode’s Surface Properties in the Electrochemical Deuterium Loading of Pd Foils |
FRI2 |
S10_O2 |
A. Lipson, I.P. Chernov, A.S. Roussetski, Y. Cherdantsev, B. Lyakhov, V. Mironchik, V. Sokhoreva, E.I. Saunin, M.E. Melich - Charged Particle Emissions and Surface Morphology of the Pd/PdO:Dx
the TiDx
Targets under an Electron Beam Excitation |
S10_03 |
J. He - Text not received by conference organizers |
FRI4 |
S10_O4 |
E. Castagna, S. Lecci, M. Sansovini, F. Sarto, V. Violante - Interaction of the Electromagnetic Radiation with the Surface of Palladium
Hydride Cathode |
FRI5 |
S10_O5 |
E. Bemporad, M. Sebastiani, V. Palmieri, S. Deambrosis - Integrated Approach for High Resolution Surface Characterisation: Coupling Focused Ion Beam with Micro and Nano Mechanical Tests |
S10_06 |
R. Li Voti, G.L. Leahu, S. Gaetani, C. Sibilia, M. Bertolotti, V. Violante, E. Castagna - Light Scattering from a Rough Palladium Surface: Theory and Experiment |
S10_07 |
A.S. Roussetski, M.N. Negodaev, A.G. Lipson - Multifunctional Ion Beam Installation “HELIS” as a New Instrument for
Advanced LENR Research |
FRI8 |
S10_O8 |
L. Caneve - Characterization of Materials by Means of Laser–Based Techniques |
d46 |
n/a |
Roundtable Future Perspectives - Italian Representatives |
d47 |
n/a |
Roundtable Future Perspectives - Duncan |
d48 |
n/a |
Roundtable Future Perspectives - McKubre |
d49 |
n/a |
Roundtable Future Perspectives - General Session |
e50 |
Violante and El-Boher - Closing |
e51 |
Violante - Closing |
e52 |
Srinivasan ICCF-16 - Closing |
? |
S?? |
Andrei Lipson, Ivan Chernov, Alexei Roussetski, Aslan Tsivadze, Yuri Cherdantsev, Boris Lyakhov, Eugeniy Saunin and Michael Melich - 2009Charged Particle Emissions in Metal Deuterides Upon e-Beam Excitation of Their Deuterium Subsystem
P_1 |
D. Cirillo, R. Germano, V. Tontodonato - Experimental Implementation and Characterization of an Electrolytic Confined Plasma |
P_2 |
P. Clauzon, J. Fauvarque, G. Lalleve, G. Le Buzit - Abnormal Excess Heat Measured During Mizuno–Type Experiments: a Possible Artifact? |
P_3 |
J. Dash, Q. Wang - Excess Heat and Anomalous Silver Concentrations on the Surfaces of
Palladium Cathodes after Electrolysis in Acidified Water |
P_4 |
A.B. Karabut, E.A. Karabut - Analysis of Experimental Results on Excess Heat Power Production,
Impurity Nuclides Yield in the Cathode Material and X–Ray Emission in Experiments with High Voltage Electric Discharge Systems |
P_5 |
M.H Miles - Investigations of Co–Deposition Systems |
P_7 |
J. Tian, L.H. Jin, B.J. Shen, Y.F. Ding, C.Y. Wang, X. Lu - Effect of Pulse Frequency and Ambient Temperature on Excess Heat Triggering by 532 nm laser in a D/Pd Gas–Loading System |
P_8 |
J. Tian, L.H. Jin, B.J. Shen, C.Y. Wang, X. Lu, J.B. Yang, X.Y. Ji - Mechanics Triggering: a Possible Approach Towards High Density Excess
Heat Production |
P_9 |
J. Tian, L.H Jin, B.J. Shen, C.Y. Wang, X. Lu - The Effect of Potassium Ions on Abnormal Phenomena in Pt(H)–Pd
Electrolysis System |
P_10 |
F. Scaramuzzi - Proposal of an Experiment Aimed at Charging Deuterium in Palladium at the Temperature of Liquid Nitrogen |
P_11 |
S.A. Tsvetkov, D.S. Tsvetkova - Excess Heat While Saturation of Titanium by Deuterium and Air Mixture |
P_12 |
A. Takahashi - Neutron Spectra in CMNS – Model Predictions and Past Data |
P_13 |
Q.M. Wei, X.Z. Li, B.L. Liu - Local Abnormal Phenomena in Palladium Tube Heated in Deuterium Gas |
P_14 |
A. Carpinteri, F. Cardone, G. Lacidogna - Piezonuclear Reactions in Inert Solids: Neutron Emissions from Brittle
Fracture |
P_15 |
J. Dufour, X. Dufour, D. Murat - Practical Ways to Generate Protons (Deuterons) in the 500–1000 eV Energy
Window |
P_16 |
S. Jiang, D. Yang, C. Yang, Y. Ding, C. Wang, M. He,S. Wu,Y. Zhao - Enhancement of Production rate of d-d Reaction in Deuterium–Loaded
Metal with Bombardment of a–particles from Uranium Decay |
P_17 |
A.B. Karabut, E.A. Karabut - X-Ray Spectra of Excited Long Lived 0.6–6.0 keV Energy Levels from the
Solid State Cathodes of Electric Discharge System |
P_18 |
V.A. Kirkinskii, A.I. Khmelnikov - Reproducible Neutron Emission From Palladium Deuteride During
Temperature Cycling at High Pressure and Ultrasound Action |
P_19 |
R.M. Montereali, S. Almaviva, E. Castagna, F. Bonfigli, F. Sarto, M.A.
Vincenti,V. Violante - Lithium Fluoride X-Ray Imaging Film Detectors for Condensed Matter
Nuclear Measurements |
P_20 |
A. Petrucci, R. Mignani, F. Cardone - Comparison Between Piezonuclear Reactions and CMNS Phenomenology |
n/a |
P_21 |
A.S. Roussetski, A.G. Lipson, F. Tanzella, E.I. Saunin, M. McKubre - Evidence for Fast Neutron Emission During SRI’s Spawar/Galileo Type
Electrolysis Experiments #7 and #5, Based on CR–39 Track Detector Record |
P_22 |
L. Caneve - Characterization of Materials by Means of Laser–Based Techniques |
P_23 |
R.S. Stringham - Sonofusion; Ti Targets and T |
P_24 |
V.I. Vysotskii, A.A. Kornilova - Investigation of Radiation and Transmutation Processes at Bubble
Cavitation in Supersonic Free Water Jet |
P_25 |
Y.N. Bazhutov - Erzion Model Interpretation of Oriani Results in CR-39 Films, our IPRIM Results Received at Anode Plasma Electrolysis in Water Solutions & Baranov Results on Bi212 Generation from Bi209 by Erzion atom Introduction |
P_26 |
S.R. Chubb - Procedure for Evaluating Theoretical Papers on LENR |
P_27 |
N.D. Cook, V. Dallacasa - Simulation of Palladium Transmutation Products |
P_28 |
F. David, J. Giles - Self-Polarisation of Fusion Diodes: Nuclear Energy or Chemical Artefact? |
P_29 |
F.A. Gareev, G.F. Gareeva, I.E. Zhidkova - Isomorphism – Structural United Universe |
P_30 |
F.A. Gareev, Y.L. Ratis - New Mechanism of Cold Fusion Reactions |
P_31 |
E. Lewis - The Current Scientific Revolution in Physics and Economic Consequences |
P_32 |
F. Menegus - Nuclear and Electronic Structure of Atoms |
P_33 |
A. Meulenberg, K.P. Sinha - Characteristic Frequencies in CMNS |
P_34 |
G.H. Miley, X. Yang, H. Hora - Bose–Einstein Type D–Cluster Electrode Development |
P_35 |
G. Moagar-Poladian - A Possible Mechanism for Cold Fusion |
P_36 |
C.D. Papageorgiou, T.E. Raptis - Fragmentation of Thin Wires under High Voltage Pulses and Bipolar Fusion |
P_37 |
K. Tsuchiya, S. Sasabe, M. Ozaki - The Effects of Nuclear Reactions in Solids on the Phonon Dispersion
Relation |
P_38 |
M.V. Vysotskyy, M.I. Serzhant, V.I. Vysotskii - Supereffective Nuclear Synthesis on Condensed Target with the
Participation of Monochromatic Beams of Light or Middle Isotopes |
P_39 |
X. Jiang, W. Peng, X. Zhou, L. Wang, X. Le - Nuclear Transmutation in Electrical Discharge Systems by Ultra–Close
Range Casimir Effect |
P_40 |
L. Kowalski, W. Beaty, J. Driscoll, M. Horton, P. Lohstrete - On Electrolysis–Induced Emission of Charged Nuclear Projectiles |
P_41 |
S. Lecci, E. Castagna, M. Sansovini, F. Sarto, V. Violante - Material Database for Electrochemical Loading Experiments at ENEA |