Steven B. Krivit's LENR Reference Site
Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research
Established 2000

Since 2000, Steven B. Krivit's Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions reference site has been the trusted resource for independent, accurate, and scientific information about LENRs. We’re here to help newcomers and experts alike learn more about the field and to offer factual resources for students, scientists, scholars, policy analysts, businesses, and government agencies. We are, and have always been, financially independent of any commercial or investment activities in the LENR field.

The links from this home page will take you to a well-organized collection of information, consisting of more than 700 Web pages and 2,000 PDF documents.

Steven B. Krivit is an author, editor, publisher, and international speaker who has specialized in Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) research since 2000. He has written extensively about LENRs in four books, peer-reviewed articles in mainstream science journals, and invited chapters for encyclopedias published by Elsevier and John Wiley & Sons. He is an editor of three reference books on nuclear energy research and has written more than 1,000 news articles on nuclear science research. Krivit is an expert in the analysis of science conflict and also on the matters of power balance and fuel supply for thermonuclear fusion.

1. Learn About LENRs
1.1. News
1.2. Basic LENR Information
1.3. Three-Book Series Explains 100 Years of LENRs
1.4. White Papers, Journal Papers, and Lectures
1.5. Other Recommended Reading/Viewing
1.6. Other Scientific LENR Web Sites and Organizations*
  • 1.6.1 LENR-CANR (Jed Rothwell's online library of LENR papers)
  • 1.6.2 RCCNT&BL (Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning) (See Alexandre Prosvirnov's Web site)
  • 1.6.3 JCFRS (Japan CF-research Society)
  • 1.6.4 SFSNMC (Société Française de la Science Nucléaire dans la Matière Condensée)
  • 1.6.5 LENR Forum (Online public discussion forum)
    * We do not include here commercial or investment-related organizations.
1.7. LENR Investigations By Steven B. Krivit
1.8. LENRs — General Information
2. LENR Archives
2.1. General Archives and Historical Records (First Year Only)
2.2. General Archives and Historical Records
2.3. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Archives
2.4. Steven E. Jones Archives
2.5. Richard Garwin Archives
3. Other Investigations By Steven B. Krivit
3.1. The Lost History of Transmutation Research
3.2. Ernest Rutherford's Transmutation Claim
3.3. Thermonuclear Fusion (ITER, JET, NIF)
3.4. Bubblegate Investigation
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