The Britz "Cold Fusion" Bibliography and Related Indexes

Dieter Britz

From 1989 to 2012, Dieter Britz, then a professor of chemistry at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, kept track of papers published in mainstream journals on the subject, as it was then called, of "cold fusion."

For each paper, Britz created a database record and wrote an abstract, summarizing the paper from his perspective. His scope included English, German, Swedish, Italian, and to a limited extent, Russian-language journals.

He also produced several other useful indexes.

Because of the initial broad interest and widespread early investigation of this research, some of the most important scientific research in this field was reported in the first few years.

The Britz "Cold Fusion" Journal Bibliography: 1989-2012
The Britz "Cold Fusion" News Index: 1989-2009
The Britz "Cold Fusion" Patent Index: 1989-2003
The Britz Acoustic Inertial Confinement Fusion Bibliography