Krivit's Books, Publications and Conference Presentations |
Feb. 28, 2024 |
Krivit, Steven B. and Miles, Melvin H. (Feb. 28, 2024) Confirmation of Anomalous-Heat Report," Journal of Electrochemistry, 2024, 30(2): Article 4. DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.3424 |
Feb. 8, 2024 |
Krivit, Steven B. (Feb. 8, 2024)"Comment on 'Electron mass renormalization and absorption of hard photons' by E. Pourjafarabadi and A. Mojavezi," European Physical Journal C |
Jan. 1, 2023 |
Krivit, Steven. B., "ITER’s Net Loss," Physics Today |
Feb. 23, 2017 |
Krivit, Steven. B., "Power Generation Through LENRs:
Prospects, Problems and Paths Forward" |
Dec. 7, 2016 |
Krivit, Steven. B. and Ravnitzky, Michael, "It's Not Cold Fusion... But It's Something," Scientific American
Dec. 2016 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (Dec. 2016) Lost History: Explorations in Nuclear Research, Vol. 3, Pacific Oaks Press
Hardback/Color (978-0-996886406); Paperback/BW (978-0-996886413); Kindle (978-0-996886420)
Nov. 2016 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (Nov. 2016) Fusion Fiasco: Explorations in Nuclear Research, Vol. 2, Pacific Oaks Press
Hardback/Color (978-0-976054559); Paperback/BW (978-0-976054528); Kindle (978-0-976054566)
Sept. 2016 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (Sept. 2016) Hacking the Atom: Explorations in Nuclear Research, Vol. 1, Pacific Oaks Press
Hardback/Color (978-0-996886444 ); Paperback/BW (978-0-996886451); Kindle (978-0-996886468) |
Sept. 23, 2013 |
Krivit, Steven. B. (Sept. 23, 2013) "Review of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions," Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Reedijk, Jan (Ed.), Elsevier, Waltham, MA, ISBN: 978-0-12-409547-2, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.01193-8.
Aug. 15, 2013 |
Krivit, Steven. B. (Aug. 15, 2013) "Nuclear Phenomena in Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research," Naturwissenschaften. DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1080-z, 100(9) p. 899-900 (Online August 15, 2013, Print, September 2013)
Communication Sequence |
Storms, Edmund, "Status of Cold Fusion (2010)," Naturwissenschaften, 97:861–881, (2010) |
Krivit, Steven. B., "Nuclear Phenomena in Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research," Naturwissenschaften. DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1080-z, (Aug. 15, 2013) |
Storms, Edmund, "Efforts to Explain Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions," Naturwissenschaften, DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1101-y (Oct. 30, 2013) |
Krivit, Steven, B, "More Errors By Storms Published in Naturwissenschaften," New Energy Times, (Nov. 5, 2013) |
Further reading: "The Hidden Bias of LENR Pioneer Edmund Storms" |
Nov. 2012 |
Krivit, Steven B. (Nov. 2012) "The Big Picture of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research," Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 107, ISSN 0003-018x, p. 413-414
Aug. 2011 |
Krivit, Steven B., Editor-in-Chief, Lehr, Jay H., Series Editor (Aug. 2011) Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia, John Wiley & Sons, 978-0-470-89439-2 |
Aug. 2011 |
Krivit, Steven B. (Aug. 2011) "Development of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research," Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia, pg. 481-496, Steven B. Krivit, Editor-in-Chief, Jay H. Lehr, Series Editor, John Wiley & Sons, 978-0-470-89439-2
(The second general review chapter of LENR in a mainstream, print encyclopedia) |
Aug. 2011 |
Zawodny, Joseph. M. and Krivit, Steven B. Krivit (Aug. 2011) "Widom-Larsen Theory: Possible Explanation of LENRs," Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia, pg. 481-496, Steven B. Krivit, Editor-in-Chief, Jay H. Lehr, Series Editor, John Wiley & Sons, 978-0-470-89439-2
Dec. 20, 2009 |
Marwan, Jan and Krivit, Steven B. editors, (Dec. 20, 2009) Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and New Energy Technologies Sourcebook Vol. 2, American Chemical Society/Oxford University Press, Washington, D.C., ISBN 978-0-8412-2454-4 (Print: Feb. 26, 2010) |
Dec. 2009 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (Dec. 2009) "Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Research: 2008 ACS Update," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 23(4). p. 439-441 Pre-print |
Dec. 2009 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (Dec. 2009) "Cold Fusion - Precursor to Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions," Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Vol. 2, Juergen Garche, Chris Dyer, Patrick Moseley, Zempachi Ogumi, David Rand and Bruno Scrosati, eds, Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 255–270, ISBN 9780444520937
(The first general review chapter of LENR in a mainstream, peer-review print encyclopedia) (Errata) |
Dec. 2009 |
Krivit, Steven B. (Dec. 2009) "Cold Fusion: History," Elsevier Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Vol 2, Juergen Garche, Chris Dyer, Patrick Moseley, Zempachi Ogumi, David Rand and Bruno Scrosati, eds, Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 271–276, ISBN 9780444520937
(The first cold fusion history chapter in a mainstream, peer-review print encyclopedia) (Errata) |
Sept. 3, 2009 |
Krivit, Steven B. and Marwan, Jan (Sept. 3, 2009) "A New Look at Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research," Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Royal Society of Chemistry, (Oct. 2009) 11(10), 1731-46 DOI:10.1039/B915458M
April 18, 2009 |
Krivit, Steven B., "Cold Fusion," New Scientist |
2009 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (2009) "Preface," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science |
Sept. 2008 |
Krivit, Steven B. (Sept. 2008 ) "Review of 'Voodoo Science: The Road From Foolishness to Fraud'" by Robert L. Park, Oxford University Press, USA (November 15, 2001), ISBN-10: 0195147103, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 22(3), p. 428-433
Aug. 2008 |
Marwan, Jan and Krivit, Steven B. editors (Aug. 2008) Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Sourcebook (Vol. 1), American Chemical Society/Oxford University Press, Washington, D.C., ISBN 978-0-8412-6966-8 (Peer-reviewed book) |
Aug. 2008 |
Krivit, Steven B. (Aug. 2008) "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions - The Emergence of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science," Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Sourcebook (Vol. 1) , Jan Marwan, Steven B. Krivit, editors, American Chemical Society/Oxford University Press, Washington, D.C., ISBN 978-0-8412-6966-8
Peer-reviewed Paper |
April 10, 2008 |
Krivit, Steven, B. (April 10, 2008) "Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research – Global Scenario," Current Science (cover article) 94(7)
Oct. 2004 |
"The Rebirth of Cold Fusion: Real Science, Real Hope, Real Energy", Pacific Oaks Press, Los Angeles, CA, ISBN: 0976054582
THIS BOOK IS OBSOLETE: Do not buy it, do not read it. |
Conference Presentations |
Aug. 31, 2023 |
Krivit, Steven B., "A Basic Introduction to the Widom-Larsen Theory," 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Szczecin, Poland |
Aug. 29, 2023 |
Krivit, Steven B. and Miles, Melvin, "Confirmation of Anomalous-Heat Report," 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Szczecin, Poland |
Feb. 4, 2014 |
10th International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Hyderabad, India |
Feb. 10, 2014 |
International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science, Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, India |
Feb. 19, 2014 |
University Of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India |
Nov. 14, 2012 |
American Nuclear Society, San Diego, Calif. |
Presentation |
Mar. 20, 2010 |
American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif.
(prepared for but not presented) |
Mar. 22-23, 2009 |
American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT |
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 |
Sept. 8, 2008 |
New Energy Movement, Canada - Simon Fraser University, "Cold Fusion and It’s Development into a New Science: LENR" |
Interview |
Aug. 20, 2008 |
Krivit, Steven, "Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research – 2008 Update," American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA (Aug. 20, 2008) |
Presentation |
Jan. 2008 |
Photo Highlights of 2008 India LENR Tour |
Jan. 11, 2008 |
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (The Drama of Bubble Fusion and the Persecution of Rusi Taleyarkhan) |
Jan. 9, 2008 |
National Institute for Advanced Studies, IISC Campus, Bangalore, India |
Presentation |
Jan. 3, 2008 |
International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Hyderabad, India |
Presentation |
Oct. 16, 2007 |
8th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen- and Deuterium-Loaded Metals, Catania, Sicily, Italy |
Presentation |
June 25, 2007 |
13th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Dagomys, Sochi, Russia |
Presentation |
June 8, 2007 |
2007 International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Istanbul, Turkey
Paper |
Mar. 29, 2007 |
American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois |
Presentation |
Mar. 5, 2007 |
American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, Colorado |
Presentation |
Jan. 17, 2007 |
International Microelectronics And Packaging Society Alternative Energy Conference, Albuquerque, NM |
Presentation |
May 15, 2006 |
University of California Los Angeles (Peak Oil: Understanding the Problem, Creating the Solutions) |
April 3, 2006 |
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey (They Laughed at Einstein: How Science Responds to Cranks and Visionaries) |
Presentation |
Mar. 16, 2006 |
American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland |
Presentation |
Dec. 1, 2005 |
12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Yokohama, Japan |
Paper |
Nov. 1, 2005 |
International Congress of Nanotechnology, San Francisco, Calif. |
Paper |
Aug. 26, 2005 |
12th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Brussels, Belgium |
Paper |
Mar. 4, 2005 |
American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif. |
Presentation |
Nov. 2, 2004 |
11th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Marseilles, France |