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Japan CF Society Meeting JCF11
The 11th Japan CF Society meeting took place on Dec. 11-12, 2010, at
Iwate University, Morioka, Japan. Abstracts are available here.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy in Press
The Wiley Encyclopedia of Energy - Volume 1: Science, Technology, and Applications - Nuclear Energy is in press and is scheduled to publish June 2011.
This volume covers the full spectrum of nuclear energy research and technology: fission, thermonuclear fusion, low-energy nuclear reactions and other concepts.
The Wiley Encyclopedia of Energy is a collaboration of the world’s leading energy experts to create a fully comprehensive depository of all
information relating to the scientific, technological, and sociologic aspects of the world’s energy resources. Consisting of over 1,000 concise articles, in five volumes, the Encyclopedia is the perfect first-stop reference for any scientist, engineer or student looking for practical and applied energy information.
The first volume in this comprehensive encyclopedia is Science, Technology, and Applications - Nuclear Energy. This volume provides a current, comprehensive and authoritative reference for mature nuclear technologies. By introducing new ideas that expand the frontiers of nuclear science research, this useful volume explains where nuclear energy science and technology came from, where they are today and where they may go tomorrow.
Steven B. Krivit, Editor-in-Chief
Jay H. Lehr, Series Editor
978-0-470-89439-2 • 614 pages • Hardcover • June 2011
$195.00 US / $234.00 CAN / £250.00 / € 322.00
16th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
ICCF-16 takes place Feb. 6-11, 2011, in Chennai, India. The New Energy Times Web site has the abstracts and schedule.
The hot news of the recent Rossi-Focardi LENR demonstration will be discussed in a special 30-minute session between 12:30 and 13:00 on the opening day of the conference, Feb. 7.
Physicists Francesco Celani (INFN) and Michael Melich (Naval Postgraduate School) will each present brief reports, most likely a report from David Bianchini of the University of Bologna Physics Department and a report from Giuseppe Levi, retired from the university. The reports from Bianchini and Levi, colleauges of Rossi, were written and provided to Rossi to help validate Rossi's invention. Rossi is not affiliated with the university.
According to Rossi, Celani and Melich are not directly associated with him.
"Professor Celani and Melich phoned me several days ago asking permission to
talk about my Bologna test in India, and I gave permission," Rossi wrote. "I suppose they will use the same papers I already mailed to you. They will not talk on my behalf; they just will talk of my test, but they will say what they want. I am not responsible for what they will say, which is not under my control."
The conference was recently reported in the Times of India.
Weak Interaction Theory Paper Published with Acknowledgement to Chidambaram
By Steven B. Krivit
Allan Widom, Lewis Larsen and their collaborator, Yogendra Srivastava, have published another peer-reviewed paper on their ultra-low-momentum neutron-catalyzed theory of LENR.
Rajagopala Chidambaram, the principal scientific adviser to the government of India and the chairman of the committee that advises the Indian cabinet on science matters, was mentioned in the acknowledgement section at the end of the paper.
For open-minded scientists, "cold fusion" was a reasonable hypothesis to begin with in 1989, but as the experimental evidence piled up, it began to look less like a fusion process. For more-conservative scientists, "cold fusion" was a disgrace.
As the experimental evidence grew, it became clearer that low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) are more likely to be explained by weak interactions than by fusion, as the authors show.
The paper is an overview of the Widom-Larsen theory and explains its relevance to LENR, exploding wires and the solar corona.
The group's paper came out electronically in October in Pramana – Journal of Physics, published by the Indian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Indian National Science Academy and the Indian Physics Association.
A similar peer-reviewed paper published in the American Chemical Society Symposium Series: Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and New Energy Technologies Sourcebook (Vol. 2), edited by Marwan and Krivit.
Chidambaram clearly makes the distinction between LENR and "cold fusion." He told the Deccan Chronicle in October that he had no intentions of being associated with "cold fusion."
“I am not convinced about the feasibility of cold fusion," Chidambaram said. "I do not intend to take up cold fusion experiments. Anybody interested in pursuing the same is welcome to do it on their own.”
ICCF-14 Proceedings Published Electronically
Jed Rothwell, librarian of LENR-CANR.org has electronically published the ICCF-14 proceedings on behalf of Michael Melich and David Nagel. They are available in two files on the New Energy Times Web site as well as on LENR-CANR.org.
Melich and Nagel elected not to have the printed version published by a mainstream publisher, as has been done in the past, but instead by the University of Utah in conjunction with Infinite Energy magazine.
American Physical Society March Meeting
Scott Chubb's "cold fusion" session returns to the American Physical Society on March 25, 2011, in Dallas, Texas. Program and Abstracts
American Chemical Society Spring Meeting
Jan Marwan's New Energy Technology Symposium takes place at the American Chemical Society Spring meeting in Anaheim, CA on Sunday and Monday, March 27 - 28, 2011. (No abstracts or schedule yet)
LENR Researcher Les Case Dies
From SeacoastOnline
NEWFIELDS, [N.H.] - Leslie C. Case, 79, died Thursday, July 15, 2010, at his home in Newfields. He was born Sept. 11, 1930, in Tulsa, Okla., the son of Leslie and Julia (Catron) Case. Mr. Case received his doctorate of science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Private services were provided by the Kent & Pelczar Funeral Home, Newmarket.
LENR Researcher Alf Thompson Dies
John Alfred Thompson died Nov. 17, 2010, at his home in Nassau, Bahamas from an apparent heart attack, according to a close friend of his, Tim Wrinkle. He was 56.
Alf lived with his partner of nine years, Angela Darville. He is survived by his children John, Sara and Stephan.
Alf enjoyed doing LENR research and also worked at Biolife LLC, in Sarasota, Florida. Biolife grew out of a revolutionary topical powder used to stop bleeding. It was invented and developed by Alf and James “Doc” Patterson, another LENR researcher.
Alf had been working on LENR transmutation experiments. He was also one of the board members of New Energy Institute, the parent organization of New Energy Times.
Remembering John "Alf" Thompson
The board of directors of New Energy Institute would like to express its deepest regret at the passing of board member Alf Thompson. Although he kept a low profile in the field, Alf was a courageous and steadfast explorer of low-energy nuclear reactions. He was an insightful and dedicated participant in our organization. We would like to express our condolences to his family. His presence on our team will certainly be missed.
Jim Newburn, Board Member
Tom Dolan, Board Member
Ron Marshall, Board Member
Steven B. Krivit, Executive Director |
137 Films Completes Filming of "Cold Fusion" Documentary, Almost
New Energy Times has chronicled the progress of this production through several blog posts:
Cold Fusion Film “The Believers” Up for Sale
Krivit Opts Out of “The Believers”
Cold Fusion Filmmakers Go Back to Filming
ACS LENR Sourcebook (Vol. 2) Publishes
After quite a long wait, the second American Chemical Society LENR Sourcebook published in print form in October.
Full Description, Preface and Introduction
LENR—“A Magnitude 10 TechnoQuake”
(Previously published on the New Energy Times blog)
By Steven B. Krivit
LENR is potentially 1 million times more energetic than chemistry, Joseph Zawodny, a researcher with NASA, said at the Aviation Unleashed conference on Oct. 19.
“Very scalable, clean, perhaps the most disruptive technology – a magnitude 10 TechnoQuake,” Zawodny said.
In his presentation, Zawodny compared the predictability as well as the impact of earthquakes to advances in technology.
“Large advances can change the world, create new industries, and destroy old ones,” he said. “Fortune favors those who are prepared.”
Zawodny said that an energetics revolution is likely in the next two decades. We agree.
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