The 236th American Chemical Society national meeting and exposition begins today in Philadelphia with a breakthrough for low-energy nuclear reaction research.
Editors Jan Marwan and Steven B. Krivit received the first copy of the American Chemical Society Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Sourcebook, published by Oxford University Press.
This is the first book on LENR commissioned by the society. Oxford University Press has published a book on LENR by John Huizenga and one by Robert Park.

From left, Jessica A. Rucker (ACS Publishing Service), Steven B. Krivit, Jan Marwan, Robert Hauserman (ACS Publishing Service)
Marwan is an electrochemist and earned his doctorate at the University of Southampton. He is the owner of a private research laboratory in Germany.
Krivit is the editor and publisher of New Energy Times, and co-author of The Rebirth of Cold Fusion with Nadine Winocur.
Contributing authors to the sourcebook are Scott R. Chubb, Antonella De Ninno, Emilio Del Giudice, Antonio Frattolillo, Martin Fleischmann, Peter L. Hagelstein, Irfan U. Chaudhary, Steven B. Krivit, Dennis Letts, Dennis Cravens, Peter L. Hagelstein, Jan Marwan, Michael C. H. McKubre, Francis L. Tanzella, Iriving Dardik, Arik El Boher, Tanya Zilov, Ehud Greenspan, Concita Sibilia, Vittorio Violante, Melvin H. Miles, George H. Miley, Prajakti J. Shrestha, Tadahiko Mizuno, Pamela A. Mosier-Boss, Stanislaw Szpak, Frank E. Gordon, Lawrence P.G. Forsley, Edmund Storms, Akito Takahashi, Norio Yabuuchi, Vladimir I. Vysotskii, Xing Zhong Li , Q.M. Wei and B. Liu.
The American Chemical Society has commissioned a second LENR sourcebook, which will be based on LENR presentations at Wednesday's New Energy Technology Symposium.
Presenters at this year's symposium are Marwan, Krivit, McKubre, De Ninno, Mosier-Boss, Roger Stringham, Takahashi, Miley, Hagelstein, Li and Thorsten Ludwig. Abstracts are here.
Exciting plans are in the works for next year's symposium - stay tuned.