Summary of Theory
An example of such a reaction is the reverse of the well known
neutron decay reaction: n -> p^+ + e^- +v. This
reaction proceeds spontaneously from left to right while
the reverse requires that the chemical potential of free
electrons be not less than μ>0.8 MeV (Orear et al. 1949).
Similarly, applying Eq. 1 to the D^+ species, we have e^- +D^+->n2 followed by an instantaneous decomposition
n2 ->2n. For this reaction to occur, the electrochemical
potential of free electrons must be roughly 25 times greater
than that involving a proton, which is small for electrons
interacting with electric fields of 108–109 Vcm−1.
The reaction e^- +D^+->n2 is the source of low energy
neutrons (Szpak, unpublished data), which are the product
of the energetically weak reaction (with the heat of reaction
on the electron volt level) and reactants for the highly
energetic nuclear reaction n+X->Y. This model states that
(1) the imposed constraints are responsible for the frequency
of the formation of coherent domains while transmutation
reactions, X(n,r)Y, determine the excess power and (2)
it specifies the mechanism by which a chemical reaction
can trigger a nuclear response.
(Source: Szpak, S., et al., "Further Evidence Of Nuclear Reactions In The Pd/D Lattice: Emission Of Charged Particles," Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 94(6), p. 511-514, DOI 10.1007/s00114-007-0221-7 (March 2007) (erratum) (Full list of SPAWAR Papers)
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