This is a condensation of several books originally written by Louis Kervran
in French. Kervran starts by pointing out the (his) experimental "observation"
that chickens not fed calcium nevertheless lay eggs with shells, and that CO
was formed in the blood of some miners although not present, and other
"observations". The Ca is formed by the addition (fusion) reaction K + H -->
Ca and the CO from proton swapping between the two atoms in dinitrogen in the
blood. Kervran in fact proposes a whole zoo of addition as well as subtraction
reactions, in blithe disregard (presumably ignorance) of the accompanying
energetic emissions that would result or energy they would require. The book
portraits Kervran as a respected and highly placed French scientist and it
seems he was invited to give lectures on his theories to many medical
students, whose (famous) professors were baffled by these effects until
Kervran explained all.