Kozima Comments on the Widom-Larsen Theory
By Hideo Kozima

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Published by Hideo Kozima

(Source: New Energy Times) Many ideas explain the mechanism of cold fusion, a phenomenon belonging to solid state-nuclear physics, or condensed matter nuclear science, including the one assuming the existence of neutrons in solids, which John Fisher and I have pursued enthusiastically with success. The most serious problem with this approach is the origin of neutrons assumed beforehand to explain various events of the cold fusion phenomenon.

In the case of my trapped neutron catalyzed fusion model, the neutrons are assumed to be the thermal background neutrons trapped in solids and neutrons bred by nuclear reactions between the trapped neutrons and nuclei in the solids.

A new mechanism is proposed by Widom and Larsen. Their theory assumes the inverse reaction of neutron disintegration to a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino in solids. It is good to have a new mechanism to supply neutrons to catalyze nuclear reactions responsible for cold fusion, if this mechanism supplies enough neutrons to explain cold fusion.

I noticed no reference to any paper in which neutrons are used to explain nuclear reactions in cold fusion. In our research history of 16 years in the field of cold fusion, we have accumulated vast experimental data sets and theoretical approaches that should not be forgotten. Widom and Larsen should consider the theories of Fisher and Kozima, with the relevant explanations of events in cold fusion, even if the ideas on neutron production in solids are different.

E-mail from Kozima to Krivit:


I would like to call your attention to the following fact. In my book, The Science of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon, the Widom-Larsen theory is discusses as follows: Here, we would like to cite a paper by Widom and Larsen [Widom and Larsen 2006] in which a new mechanism of neutron production in transition-metal hydrides/deuterides is proposed. They pointed out the possibility of neutron production (along with neutrinos) from an electron and a proton due to the weak interaction. This mechanism supplies neutrons in addition to the absorption of background neutron by solids and production of neutrons by breeding reactions implicitly assumed in the TNCF model. (The Science of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon, ISBN 0-080-45110-1, Section, p. 95)

Once neutrons exist in the sample, the mechanism to produce new nuclides from existing ones in terms of nuclear reactions with the neutrons is conventional. Either Fisher's polyneutrons or my trapped neutrons and/or neutron drops work to explain the regularity in the mass dependence of the yield of generated nuclides observed by Miley et al. and others.

February 23, 2007