New Energy Times Erice Workshop Archive
April 12, 1989 "Cold Fusion" Workshop at Erice, Italy x
Participants in the Workshop

The keynote speakers at the meeting were Martin Fleischmann, Steven Jones, and Bart Czirr, Jones' colleague who was his expert on neutron detection. I have no list of the invited participants, but I have been able to identify most of them from the recording.

Giorgio Benedek, University of Milan, solid-state physicist
Matthijs Broer, AT&T Bell Labs, physicist
Francesco Celani Celani, Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati, physicist
J. Bart Czirr, Brigham Young University, physicist
Martin Fleischmann, University of Southampton, electrochemist
Richard Garwin, Fellow, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, physicist
Heinz Gerischer, numerous affiliations, electrochemist
Semen S. Gershtein, Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia, theoretical physicist
Richard L. Hahn, Brookhaven National Laboratory, nuclear chemist
Steven E. Jones, Brigham Young University, physicist
Steven Koonin, Caltech, theoretical physicist
Luciano Maiani, University La Sapienza, physicist
Roberto Monti, Instituto TESRE of the National Research Council in Bologna, physicist
Leonid I. Ponomarev, Kurchatov Institute, theoretical physicist
Sir Denys Wilkinson, past vice chancellor, University of Sussex, nuclear physicist
Antonio Zichichi, numerous affiliations, nuclear physicist
James Ziegler, IBM, physicist

Workshop Agenda

Zichichi announced the agenda in the morning. I edited it to reflect how the day actually progressed.

Part 1 — Plenary Talks (Fleischmann, Czirr, Jones)
Part 2 — Status of New Experiments (Broer, Hahn, Ziegler, Celani)
Part 3 — Questions Raised by the Experiments (Garwin)
Part 4 — What Kind of Critical Experiments Can Be Done? (Ponomarev)
Part 5 — Theoretical Speculations (Koonin, Benedek)
Part 6 — What Kind of Fusion Reactions Can Provide Energy Without Emission of Neutrons and Particles? (Wilkinson, Maiani)
Part 7 — Non-Fusion Explanations for Source of Heat (Ho)
Part 8 — Ancient History of Palladium-Catalyzed Fusion (Gerischer)

Download link to Audio Recordings
Fleischmann Transcript
Garwin Transcript