July 30, 2011
Issue #37


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Krivit Review of Galantini Steam Quality Declaration

Appendix 12 to New Energy Times Report #3

By Steven B. Krivit

Steam quality is a fundamental component of the Andrea Rossi group’s claims. However, the acquisition and reporting of steam quality data by the Rossi group has been insufficient to support confidence in the group’s measurements.

No members of the Rossi group have attempted to measure steam quality. The only person who has attempted it is Gilberto Galantini.

Giuseppe Levi referred to Galantini's measurements in Levi's Jan. 21, 2011, report.

In response to requests from New Energy Times for a copy of Galantini's test results declaration, both Levi and Galantini declined to provide a copy. Galantini told New Energy Times that the information was confidential.

LENR researcher Francesco Celani, a nuclear physicist with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati, sent New Energy Times Editor Steven B. Krivit a copy of Galantini's 51-word declaration. It appears to comprise the entirety of his scientific report and data. Galantini had sent the declaration to Celani, then Celani sent it to the Condensed Matter Nuclear Science e-mail list.

Jan. 20, 2011, E-Mail From Celani to CMNS List

Oggetto:  CMNS: Declaration of Dr. Galantini (In Italian). [Fwd: sonda]
Data:  Thu, 20 Jan 2011 19:15:26 +0100
Mittente:  Francesco Celani <francesco.celanilnf.infn.it>
Rispondi-a:  cmns@googlegroups.com
A:  cmns@googlegroups.com
CC:  infoleonardocorp1996.com

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto:  sonda
Data:  Thu, 20 Jan 2011 18:56:41 +0100
Mittente:  Greit Service srl <infogreitservice.it>
A:  <francesco.celanilnf.infn.it>

Si certifica che lo strumento con cui è stato effettuata la misura dell’acqua libera nel vapore durante il test Svoltosi a Bologna il 14.01.2011 era lo strumento HD37AB1347 della Delta Ohm dotato di sonda  mod.HP474AC Con campo di risoluzione -40;+150°C.

Galantini dr.Gilberto

via Monsignore di Sotto, 32/A
C.F. e P. I.V.A. 02544400373
Telefono 051.6842750
Fax 051.6840373

English Translation:
This certifies that the measurement of the free water in the vapor during the test in Bologna on Jan. 14, 2011, has been performed with the instrument HD37AB1347 of the Delta Ohm with probe model HP474AC with a resolution field of -40; +150°C.

On June 14 and 15, New Energy Times Editor Steven B. Krivit met with Levi and asked him for a copy of the Galantini declaration. Levi did not provide it. Krivit also asked Galantini for a copy of the declaration. On June 16, Krivit published a preliminary report about his visit to Bologna and his interviews with Rossi, Levi and Sergio Focardi. On June 20, Levi asked Galantini for more information about his measurements. But Levi did not provide it to New Energy Times. In an e-mail, blogger Daniele Passerini (22 Passi) wrote, “Galantini sent it to Levi, and Levi sent it to me.” Passerini posted the following message on his blog:

June 20, 2011, E-Mail From Galantini to Levi to Passerini (22 Passi Blog)

Data: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 14:02:22 +0200
Da: Greit Service srl
Rispondi-A:Greit Service srl [omissis]
Buon giorno, in merito alla richiesta fattami in data odierna, come da me ripetutamente confermato alle numerose persone che me ne hanno fatto richiesta in passato, ripeto che tutte le mie misurazioni effettuate durante le decine di test per misurare la quantità di acqua non evaporata presente nel vapore prodotto dai generatori  “E-Cat” sono sempre state effettuate dando i risultati in % di massa poiché lo strumento utilizzato indica  i gr. di acqua per mc. di vapore.

Confermo che la temperatura misurata è sempre stata maggiore di 100,1°C. E che la pressione misurata nel camino è sempre risultata essere pari alla pressione ambiente.

Lo strumento utilizzato durante il test effettuato alla presenza dei professori svedesi è stato il seguente: Testo 176 H2  codice 0572 1766.

Distinti saluti.

Galantini dr. Gilberto
Ordine dei Chimici n.194
Provincia di Ferrara

English Translation:
Good morning. About the request made to me today — I have repeatedly confirmed that many people have requested the same in the past — I repeat that all the measurements I made, during tens of tests done to measure the amount of non-evaporated water [liquid water] present in the steam produced by E-Cat generators, always were made providing results in “% of mass,” because the device used indicates the grams of water by cubic meter of steam.

I confirm that the measured temperature always was higher than 100.1°C and that the measured pressure in the chimney always was equal to the ambient pressure.

The instrument used during the tests performed in the presence of Swedish teachers was as follows: 176 Text Code 0572 H2 1766.


Brief Biography of Steven B. Krivit
Steven B. Krivit has performed investigative science journalism in the low-energy nuclear reactions research field for 10 years. He is the senior editor and publisher of New Energy Times. He also has published with John Wiley & Sons and Elsevier, among others.


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